Welcome to the most exciting journey of your life. Your next few months will be filled with wonder, questions, a few nerves and above all, the miracle it is to bring a new life into the world.
You want the best obstetrician you can find and I want the best for you. My philosophy is simple – I focus on nurturing healthy mums and healthy babies and I involve partners from day one. I’m here for you personally, every step of the way, preparing you physically and emotionally for the birth and life beyond. To encourage and inspire, advise and inform, empathise and reassure.
I’m a Sydney obstetrician with many years of experience and I’m also a mum, so I understand what you’re going through.
As a new baby is born, I feel very privileged to be there – at your most wondrous, life-and family-changing moment.
I hope you find some really useful ideas here and when you’re ready, come and have a chat. Whether you’re trying to get pregnant, it’s your first baby or fifth, I hope you’ll allow me to be part of your very special journey.