COVID-19 Post-natal Care
As we face unprecedented times, I’m also acutely aware of the uncertainty you all must be feeling. I realise you’re feeling vulnerable, especially when you take your newborn home to social isolation.
Many of you will miss the joy of sharing your new baby with extended family and friends, while also missing the physical support that your family could provide during your transition into parenthood. I share in your sadness and frustration.
I strongly encourage all my patients to develop a post-pregnancy plan as this is a time of heightened emotions and many physical changes. The effects of social isolation will take a huge toll, especially on new parents who feel cut off from their social support networks.
I thought it might be useful to provide some tips and online support services that may help when things are tough. Please also remember to reach out and call for help when you need.

COVID-19 Post-natal Care
The birth of your baby is a joyous occasion. Find a meaningful way to ensure you and your partner can celebrate this moment. Whether you order takeaway with a glass of bubbles or set-up a group video call with loved ones, make it a priority to celebrate the birth of your baby.
Make it a daily priority to get outside for fresh air and a walk.
Allow your family and friends to help by dropping off a fresh meal or supplies.
Regular FaceTime calls with family and friends will also help everyone stay connected and engaged with you and your baby.
Engage online and set up mothers’ groups online to share stories and look out for each other.
If you’re worried or notice you or your partner’s anxiety is worsening, please call me. I can offer support and put you in touch with psychological care providers.
Get your partner to do the shopping if you’re worried about leaving home with your newborn baby.
To help manage anxiety, limit your exposure to the media and social media. Check reliable sources to get factual updates.
Stay positive. Focus on what you’re grateful for rather than what you wish would change or go away.
Use mindfulness and meditation apps.
I’ve spoken with many early childhood centres in our local area. Social distancing restrictions have led to the cancellation of home visits but they still have drop-in services available. Among the general services available is help with breastfeeding issues, baby weigh-ins, and six-week baby checks. Please note early childhood centres prefer only the mother and baby attend drop-in services.
Additionally, early childhood centres are starting to use Telehealth to engage with new parents and they will start to set up virtual mothers’ groups so new mums can seek and offer support with their fellow mums.
The nurses wanted to reassure people that they’re still here and willing to help. Please contact your local early childhood centre to learn about their particular procedures and services.
Taking home a newborn baby is difficult at the best of times. Take time to monitor your mental health and that of your partner. Here are some amazing resources that provide useful information and support.

Right From the Start by Sue Nettleton
Sarah Tooke is a registered Midwife
Find a good website to do postnatal yoga or pilates at home.
Australian Breastfeeding Association has a live chat option
Kate Hale is a lactation consultant who can provide Telehealth breastfeeding help (or reach Kate via 041614386)
The NSP website has links to breast feeding videos.
This list is not exhaustive. If you would like to share useful links that you’ve found, please let Deb and I know via email.
Look out for our WhatsApp mothers’ group invitation.